Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We are all pursuing something.

Some people are pursuing education
Some careers, some friends, some a better future, some wealth, others how to spend their wealth.

Some people are pursuing relationships. Pursing a woman to become your wife. A man to become your husband.Pursing people that will make them feel good. Some people pursue love. And there are those who pursue things that make them feel wanted, and treasured and hoped for.
Some pursue fame while others pursue quiet, peaceful lives. Most people pursue happiness.

What are we pursuing? What am I pursing?

I am pursuing good education
I am pursuing friendships.
I am pursuing a better relationship with my family.
I am pursuing enjoyable, dream like ways to make a living.
I am pursuing my dreams and I am pursuing a future and pursuing Hope and happiness and love...

All these things are great. All these things are wonderful...but they mean nothing. NOTHING. Nothing if I am not pursuing the one thing that I will take with me when I die. The ONE THING that will last forever and never die or cease to be.. And this is a relationship with Jesus the son of God. The creator of the universe. The everlasting Holy Spirit.
I have come to realize that everything I spend my life trying to become, or have, or gain is only for this life time. And a life time is short.
It's so short.
But eternity is forever times forever. It's so long our finite minds can't wrap themselves around it.

I want to be in pursuit of the things that matter. I don't want to waste my life. And this is where The phrase "YOLO" should really be said. Rebecca YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. Don't waste your time pursuing the things that are carnal, that don't really give you life, that are surfacey and shallow.

Pursue the knowledge of God and that will last forever.

Pursue eternal friendships, the kind that Jesus says to surround ourselves with that will advance his kingdom.

Pursue jobs and a way to make a living to support your family to show your children how to be parents. To show them the way to life.

Pursue your God given dreams

Pursue a future of living in the presence of God everyday

Pursue the joy of The Lord.
Pursue peace.

Pursue Love. God is love and all who love know God and are children of God.
God reveals himself to his people in many ways and one way is through his people, through the church and through the beauty of marriage. he makes a great analogy of how we are to be in relationship to him through the concept of marriage and I bet you over half the people my age are pursing marriage. And have no understanding the depth of it. That's it's more than just a man marrying a woman. Marriage helps us understand our relationship with God. His undying, covenant love.

Pursue a God kind of Love.

Pursue a life of covenant relationship with the savior of the world.

And this is how to have a meaningful life.
A great start of eternity.

My prayer is to be a disciple

In pursuit of Jesus.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

                                                                    Hebrews 11:1

 Hope is a powerful emotion.
With it can be the most effective tool
and without it can be the most crippling.
If you have hope what you feel you can have can be had, what you  dream about doing can be done. When you are hopeful about something you look forward to it and you have desire for it. Hope is having a desire filled with great anticipation.

I have lost hope before.
I have felt like my life was going no where good any time fast. 
I have started things and not seen them through to conclusion for the lack of hope that it would work out. 
I have lost great relationships because I gave up hoping for them.
I have felt unloved and unhoped for.

And along with every other human being on this planet I have not fully trusted the Lord with all my heart and instead sat in self pity and despair because what I hoped for didnt seem possible.

Despair is the enemy of Hope.

How if we are rightful sons and daughters of the living God who has all power and authority and cares about every part of our lives can we lose hope in him? When has he ever failed?
Where has he given us any reason to lack trust?
He is faithful
and he is in covenant with us and he would never break his covenant. He loves us so much. He has made it clear from beging of time that he has control and everything is going to be alright.

And so I think I know why we lose hope, we lack trust and have no faith.... Well at least I can speak for my self...

We simply just can't see it.
Yeah we can't see that the hard stuff we are doing now will be worth it. Even though we cant see it doesnt mean that it isnt real! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IF WE SIMPLY BELIEVE IF WE HOPE AND WE TRUST.
It is hard to trust people when we can't plainly see the outcome. But God is unlike us. He is divine and Holy and filled with unfailing love and he aims to see us rest in his assurance.

If only I had such easy faith.
If only I could trust him unwaveringly.
If only, If only....

It is possible.

I love the story of Abraham. That guy had so much faith. God told him that he would have as many descendants as there were stars in the sky. He held fast to that promise, he believed that God would do everything he said he was going to do. He walked around like he already had the promise. He owned God's word over him. And because of his faith he was counted as righteous. His great faith brought glory to God!
oh my goodness.... have you read Romans Chapter 4? Paul puts a whole new perspective on the story of Abraham and his faith.
We can have great faith.
My faith in believing what God says he is going to do in my  life and through my life can bring glory to God.
I am standing on the promises of God.
I am walking around like his promises for me have been fulfilled because they have!
and there is no better time than now for everyone of us
who is lacking in trust,
who lacks in hope for the future
who feels lonely and in despair
to place our trust in the savior.

He is coming to our rescue.
The future is bright and glorious if we let him take us by the hand and lead us down the NARROW road.

No matter where on this earth we are
no matter our circumstance

There is hope.

Share it today.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

7 Simple Words.

The Lords servant commissioned.

Covenant 2012-2013


This is a new season, and it’s unlike any other season of life that I have ever been in. This past year God led me into a desert place where I found him in a more profound way than I ever could on my own. The process of discipleship changed my life and it was only just the begging. “But then I will win her back once again I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there.” Hosea 3:14. He showed me I was worthy enough for him to live a perfect, sanctified life and then to die a criminals death he didn’t deserve, all so that I could know him, so I could be in relationship with him here on earth and then for eternity. He died to atone for my sins. Not only my sins but, the whole wicked world’s sins. He lived and died for me and that’s the greatest love known to mankind. He saturated me in love, he poured out his spirit upon me. He called me his daughter and thus all the promises were open to me and I was made free, I understood my worth. And he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us.”-2 Corinthians 1:22.

I believe that I am walking into a season that is preparing me for future ministry. Whether it be the ministry of spreading the gospel in my everyday life or in whatever occupation or it literally be preparing me for being in a ministry. Isaiah 49:5-6 “And now the Lord speaks—
the one who formed me in my mother’s womb to be his servant,
who commissioned me to bring Israel back to him.
The Lord has honored me,
and my God has given me strength.
6 He says, “You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me.

I will make you a light to the Gentiles,
and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.”
I believe that God has promised me that I will lead people to Christ through many different creative and beautiful avenues. To get there though in the fullness of his call, I must become a woman of greater Faith. Like Abraham I look to lead a life of yes, simple obedience to the law but on right relationship with God that comes by faith. God had made a covenant promise with Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. He held on to that promise like it was the end of rope over an abyss. He held fast to a promise that he did not see the end result of and it was by faith that he believed God would do exactly what he said he would do. Romans 4:20-24 20 Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God.” I was made for Glory. I was born to show the world the light of the world! This year I believe that God wants to take me into a deeper faith in him that in return would glorify his name. 21 He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.”  This year I must trust the Lord with everything that to my human finite mind seems impossible. I know that through him all things are possible. This Project for Nigeria seems impossible to me and I am scared to death. But God has called me to it. He has given me a Godly burden for all the people who will be reached and helped through it. I have to trust him and know that I can’t do this on my own. 22 And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. 23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded 24 for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.” Do I really believe in what Christ says he will do? This is the time where I will walk out my faith in his promises. This year God will have glory for everything I do. I will no longer be known for who I am or what I do but for the Love of the Lord that pours out of me in every aspect of my life. No one will know me as simply a nice person but a great godly woman of faith that is spreading the gospel of love everywhere my network reaches. My loyalty will not be divided he will always be my first love. I make a vow that the infinite space in my heart has only space enough for him. Nothing else will quite satisfy. I promise to remember the infinity in my heart that belongs to God alone. He has all my devotion. This year I will dream bigger than I have ever dreamed before because I faith in our unfailing God who makes everything possible. This year I will keep hoping even when there seems to be no hope just like Abraham.

To sum up my covenant in 7 simple words I would say this










Monday, July 30, 2012

Why I wish EVERYBODY would GO to MASTERS!

I didn’t always plan on going to Masters Commission right out of high school. In fact I honestly had never even considered it. There had been a Masters in my church for many years before so I was well aware of what it was all about but I had never imagined that I would ever do it. Up until the summer after I graduated high school I had planned on going to a community college and getting my basics and hoping that somewhere along the way that I would figure out what I was going to do with my life. I had no idea in what direction I was going, what I wanted to do or honestly even who I was. I had been going to church for the greater part of my life and I was really involved in the youth group and such, I even accepted Christ as my savior and considered myself a “good” Christian girl. But there was this season towards the end of my senior year and into the summer where I was basically lost in all the changes. I felt the pressure of “having” to go to college to get a decent education and that alone was stressful because I had no idea what I was doing; I had no passion for anything. At the same time I was lost in the changes from transitioning from high school to college but I was spiritually lost. Yes I faithfully attended church and yes I was active in the worship ministry but I was not a faithful believer. I was a hypocrite, a fake, luke warm Christian looking for something. I guess you could say I was slowly going down the road of being a part of the 65% of students who leave the Church after they graduate. I was a bitter and angry person that was holding grudges and angry about life and I just wanted to live my life for me. At that point I thought I needed to experience the college life and do my own thing, but oh my, did God have another idea.

Every year the church that I am apart of hosts a youth conference towards the end of July being of August. It’s a span of three days where there’s live worship and speakers that pour into hundreds of students here in the Kansas City area and I had gone for the past 4 years. I hadn’t planned on even going this particular time. I was bitter with people in the church and I was angry and I wanted to do my own thing. Well during the day of the first night of the conference I was at my best friend’s house and I was sitting on the couch with her mom and I was telling her how I was practically done with church, and God and how I wanted to give up and she encouraged me not to be bitter and to go to the conference that evening. SO I went.  Later that night I was sitting in the auditorium and something was said to me that had pulled the last straw. At that moment I was done. So done with God, I thought Christians were fake and I was so ready to live my life. I got up from my seat and started walking out of the auditorium and as I was walking Megan Munro stopped me. She had been a good friend to me and her lovely sister Melisa Halverson was one of my leaders in the youth group and she pulled me aside and asked me where I was going. I broke down right at the moment. I knew I was running away from God. I knew that if I left the church that night the same way that I came that the call that God placed on my life would be lost. And I was tired of being lost. She prayed with me right there in the back of the room and Melisa came and she loved on me even after I had treated her horribly as my leader. Megan had been in Masters Commission and she had helped Zach and Beka Fox with their team in Floyd Iowa the year before. She introduced me to Zach and Beka and some other people who were from Floyd that were attending the conference. Immediately I felt this tug on my heart to go. I felt so welcomed and loved and I saw Zach Beka, Megan and Melissa and whatever it was that they had I wanted it! I wanted whatever it was that made them love the way they loved. I wanted whatever it was the Masters Commission did for them. I had been looking in all the wrong places for direction, and hope and peace and the night that I decided that I was going to pack up and move to God knows where the small town of Floyd Iowa peace like I had never felt swept my heart. I saw a hope for my life to where before I really had none. I know it was all God will because seriously one thing after the other started working out for me to go. It’s amazing how the Lord provides when you simply say yes to his call.

So I did it. I left all that I knew and was familiar with and embarked on a 9 month journey that has changed my life forever. I believe that God used Masters Commission to draw me closer to him and to build a living and active relationship with the creator of the universe, he used Masters Commission to teach me to depend on his strength and to fall in love the savior of the world. He used to people in the community to show me the love of Christ and the love of a church family. He used to team to build me up, encourage and stretch me. He used my directors to pour into my life with love, concern and they never gave up on me. It says in Hebrews 11:6 “… he rewards those who diligently seek him.” And that is what it’s all about that’s what I did for 9 months and let me tell you my efforts have not gone unrewarded I am so BLESSED!!! It was worth it all. I’m so thankful that I listened to the tug of the Holy Spirit that night because Master’s Commission has changed my life and set my feet running in the right direction and that is straight after the heart of my lover Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Choose Love & I Choose Joy.


I love worship, that is no secret. I find that some of my most beautiful encounters with my father are in moments of worship.
I also find in moments of worship God brings restoration to my spirit
and he fills me with Love and compassion for him and his people.
In moments of worship sometimes God sheds light on a certain subject that is weighing on my heart and from there I am able to give it to him.
So much can happen when you step into his presence.
It's life to me.
 there is this song called "I Breathe You In, God" by Brian and Katie Torwalt from Bethel. and its such a simple and sweet song.
One day I was sitting in my room and I came across it&the first time through hearing this song my heart was brocken. and the second time I heard the song
my heart was brocken
and again the 25th time I heard this song my heart was brocken.

It's ministering to me in this season of my life.

and if you would let me I would like to explain to you why.

(The purple is the lyrics, and the Black is my input)

The presence of the Living God
Satisfies the depths of my heart"

I asked myself does your presence really satisfy all of me?am i letting other things satisfy my heart?
and that put me in check really fast...

And all of me I change when you came
And I'm led free by Your glory and grace
And I breathe You in,God
Cause you are there all around me

All of me really changed when he came how could i forget?
I was made into a new person
with a new and clean spirit. and that came because i sought him out with all of life, my prayer, devotion and worship unto him. I can not forget this.


kindness of Your love's pure light
Pierces through the darkest of all night
And everything is possible now
For God is here
And God is good

I breathe you in God
for you are good to me
I breathe you in God
cause you are good to me

All of my hopes and all of my dreams are possible because they are centered in him. Everything is possible for him, and I am his and he is mine and therefore everything I hope for is possible. i dont have to worry.
and this makes him even more good to me than before. NOt that he wasnt good before
its simply that I am more in love with him now than ever before. so now this is my pray and this is what i am going to do
i am going to worship him in this difficult and uncomfortable time

And when I don't understand
I will choose You

And when I dont understand
I will choose to love You, God

And You are good, God
For You are good to me

Its my privilege
To worship You
To worship

"When I don't understand... I'll choose you."

In this season of my life there is alot of things I don't understand.
Not because the things that weigh on my heart are overly complicated, or because I am incapable of understanding,
no that at all,
theres just so much that the Lord is doing in me and showing me
or leading me towards
that is new
and different
and kind of scary.

This is a good season for me. Even though it's not comfortable.
And lonliness has tried to wisper its name into my heart,

God is still here with me, and he is still good
and he knows why a few of the ones I love have been hurt this summer
and he loves them more than I ever could
and he knows my discontent
and he softly convicts my unsettledness in where he has planted me in this season.

I know I am being vey vague
but that is okay
because the point that I am trying to hit here is this...
that even though I don't understand whats going to happen, and even though I feel sad, discouraged and lonley (which are all very human feelings and in themselves really not bad things to feel) they are all uncomfortable feelings, I dont want to feel them... but It's taking me deeper in my relationship with my Bridegroom God.. so if that is how God is getting ahold of me, let it be!
He is taking me to a new Rest in him
a new peace and HOPE in his unfailing goodness to me.

"When I don't understand... I will choose to love you God
for you are good God
you are good to me"

HE IS SO GOOD TO ME! Look at what he has done for me! how beautiful,
how amazing
its more than enough reason to shout out his name from the rooftops
its more than enough reason to live my life for the glory of his name.
 I dont understand much of anything that i'm going through but he is still good
and he is still God
and i will choose to love and I will choose to have joy
even though its not somehting that I can naturally feel right now
I will choose to Love. I WIll choose to have jOy.

He is my God. and he Is good and that alone is reason for Love and Joy.

SO probebly this looks like a mess
and none of my thoughts are oraganized in this blog
and I missed spelled alot of words
i dont really care
and it may not make any sense to anyone but me
but I wanted to show how You can take a song and make it a personal prayer
a personal decloration in your life. HOw this particular worship song drew me to my knees and was a vessel in which God spoke directly to my heart and led me to declare that he is still GOOD.

and that is really what I needed.

THats the power of worship and prayer and the Holy Spirit
he can take me higher
as i climb higher.

SO with that
I urge myself and everyone out there that will read this to not give up hope
diligently seek him... even when it doesnt feel right or whatever the excuse may be.

There is nurishment to be found in pouring out your heart to the living GOd
and there is nurishment to be found in submitting to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Worry, Anxiety and Cherry Pie

Have you ever had one of those nights where you just could'nt sleep.
Like really you tried everything known to man just to get comfortable and relax....
It's always the nights before your really long days that sleep doesnt come easy, it never fails.
It never fails.

It never fails.

Well for me this night is one of those sleepless nights.
But I will not complain about it.
There's something really sweet about these early hours in the morning.
I do my best thinking around this time... or my best pondering, or my best questioning, and somtimes my best worrying...
it pretty much depends on the events of the next day.

Are any of you out there worriers?
It seems that worrying is part of my nature.
I hate the feeling of being worried. 
yet I still do it..
I mean everything will be just dandy one moment than I over think the littlest of things and it becomes this whole other issue in my mind when in reality everything is FINE.
I mean come on now..
we all do it..
I dont know but I will be the first to admit that I have exagerated the truth of a situation to satisfy the bottomless pit of worry that my heart seems to want to get itself into.

But here is the thing
I dont have to live this way!
Worry is not in the definition of my name.:) (that was deep)lol
I dont have to live consumed by worry of whats gonna happen tomorrow.. or the next day... or next month or even FIVE YEARS FROM NOW! 

How do I live worry free?
Especially when I have college to think about, and how I'm going to pay off my debt, and WHO I am going to marry and WHERE am I gonna live...
How do I live worrry free when there is so much it seems like I got to figure out and plan?

Rebecca... How do I not end up staying awake at stupid hours of the night worrying about my life, my future and if my dreams are going to come true?

Well Im glad you asked.
because I have stayed up countless nights at stupid hours of the day wishing I wasnt worrying.
and I have come to the conclusion.

Everything that I worry about, everything that I try to figure out, everything that "loads me down with care" is to much for me.
I simply can not handle it.
I am not strong enough and the more I worry the more emotionally weak I become
then at some point I snap.
But I know someone who is strong enough to unload all my worries on.
I mean he carried the sins of the world on his sholders when he carried the cross to a physical death he didnt deserve.
and he did it because he loved us.
He wanted us to have fellowship with him in life in prayer and throught the Holy Spirit.
my sins, my cares, my worries, my anxietys.. they were all nailed to that cross and cruicified there with him.
What makes me think that he doesnt love me enough to come to him with these worries and anxious thoughts that cause me not to sleep at night? Does he not have room on the cross for any more of my anxious thoughts?
 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares for you"

This my friends is so releaving... its so comforting..
He cares about me.

"Give your burdens to the Lord and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall."

He has every detail
every moment
all planned out and ready for me to step into.
He knows my name.
all I have to do is walk with him.
confide in him
trust him.

He has every detail
every moment
all planned out and ready for you to step into
He knows your name
all you have to do is walk with him.
confide in him
trust him.

when those nights come that you just cant sleep for anything
and you have alot on your mind..
kind of like me tonight,

maybe you could through out a prayer asking God if he could handle some of  your  worries for you.
all you gotta do is ask..
its as easy as cherry pie.
and with that.......
I say Goodnight :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

FMC 2011-21012

                        Floyd MC 2011-2012

These past months have hands down been the best 9 months of my life up to date. From the first day the program began I couldnt imagine that just a short 9 months later I would be where I'm at now.
Its definetly been the wildest, craziest, funniest, awesomest
most lovely year.
And I could'nt of had a better team to spend it with.

One of my favorite things about Masters Commision is TRAVELING. Yes to all of you who have followed me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have all seen all of my posts about the places I am at or was or am going. People from home are always saying to me "I always see your pictures about all the places you've been... and it's alot!" And this is the truth!
My good ol chum Brittany said it right on when she said "I Drove you around the USA!" hahah :)

Here's just a small recap of our Travels
In no particular order :)

Kansas City! (My home land)

Winter Ramp

St. Louis!

Indiana :)

Our MINI trip to Chicago!

My director walked on Lake Michigan :) funniest Thing ever!

Got to meet some amazing girls form Belview MC <3

Masters Conference was AMAZING


Cinncinati OHIO

Minnesota :)

Kentucky :)

and last but not least....
Floyd Iowa <3

well there ya have it folks

a small recap of the best year of my life so far

Im so thankful for everything that I got to do and expierence this past year

I cant wait for the years to come in my life.

But for now Im enjoying these seasons of Masters Commission

getting a little gravel in my travel :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Very Much Loved

My name is Rebecca. And to some people here in Iowa they call me Reba.
But to the rest of the world I am Rebecca.
When I meet new people somehow my whole life story seams to come out in a short two minuet conversation and now days when I tell it I lack emotion because I've gotten so used to telling it.
I feel like my life story has shaped me into the woman that I am today.
It's driven me down the path that I am currently on.
My history has given me a perspective that most 18 year old, fresh out of high school, brunette girls don't have. And with my history I will do great things. I will LOVE hurting and orphaned children, hurting girls, Brocken hearts more than I ever could have if my history wasn't written the way that it was.
So here it is.
When I was born my name was Randi. My natural mother at the time didn't know she was even pregnant until the day she had me. May 3,1993.
(it can happen) I was born only 2 pounds. I have a biological brother and sister that I love very much to this day. I in essence was a mistake. But My natural family said that I was a miracle.
Ya ya ya.
I've heard that I kind of look like her. She was a wonderful lady, but she passed away when I was two. And I remember the night... I was only two an I remember that night... I really do and I used to wish that I couldn't but I know now that the Lord has his reasons.

Who ever my biological Dad was, was never in the picture. He knew about me but he didn't want me. He was involved with drugs an I'm pretty sure he had a whole other family.
After my mothers death me and my siblings moved in with my grandparents. My grandma loved us so much.
She tried so hard to make a life for us. She and my grandpa did.
They had a hard life to.
They lost my mother and another son to suicide... Death wasn't anything unfamiliar.
When I was 7 my grandma passed away.
And again I remember the day so clearly.. I remember it all.
To make an even longer story short after my mom had died my grandma put me in a daycare and in her will she wrote that if anything where to happen to her my day care providers would be my legal guardians.
I really didn't have any family.
After she passed away my grandpa was to old to really take care of me so I was adopted into their family. He passed away soon after that.

No family is perfect.

But I was put there for a reason.

It's taken me 11 years to really love my adopted family.
But I love them.

I grew up feeling like an orphan. Even though I had a "home" and a "family" I still felt all alone, with out love. But I was blind!
I was so blind.

I was very much loved.

Yes my brother and sister loved me even when we were separated and yes, my adopted family loved me even when we fought for years on end
Ya they all still told me they loved me but I didn't get it. I didn't get why if they loved me why did I still feel alone, and why did I still feel like an orphan? Why me? Why my mother? Why my family?

And I believe I know why now.

God wanted me to know how much he loves me.
When I had "no family"
He was my father
When I was "alone"
He was my comforter
When I felt "unloved"
He loved me.
It wasn't until I realized how much he loved me that I was able to love people, even the people In my own family!

He loves me.
The fact that I was worth something enough that he would die for me,
So that he could be with me
Forever... Is enough to melt away the bitterness
The anger
The sadness
The loneliness
The loss
It's all been washed away. I'm covered with his love!

By knowing how much he loves me
I can help others know the same.

God is Love.

He changed my life.
I want to make my life be this:

That I can share to every Brocken Heart I ever meet
That they are Very Much Loved.